The Blessings
Blessed; God's blessing be with you;
...Who are poor in spirit;
The kingdom of heaven is for you.
Ask and you will gain succour.
...Who mourn;
Comfort will be given to you.
Ask and you will be renewed.
...Who are meek;
The earth will be given to you.
Ask and you will inherit.
...Who are hungry and thirsty for righteouness;
Sustenance will be provided to you.
Ask and you will be filled.
...Who are merciful;
Forgiveness will be given to you.
Ask and mercy will be yours.
...Who are pure in heart;
Love and understanding will be given to you.
Ask and God will be revealed.
...Who are a peacemaker;
Friendship will be given to you.
Ask and you will reflect God's glory.
...Who are persecuted for righteousness;
The kingdom of heaven is your reward.
Ask for His sake and God's glory shall protect you.
...Who are reviled and persecuted for Christ' sake;
You will stand against men's evil.
Ask that you may rejoice with the Prophets before you.
Blessed: God's blessing be with you...
...For God's love and comfort is...
...His blessing and His promise.
1994 © Will George.
Will George Poet