Social Elitism!


The mists fall quickly obscuring all vision,

a blanket overlapping the pathway of decision.

Reason, an expectation from the foolhardy,

of Mind, lost adrift in the Sea of Parody.

Tides sweep, cobwebs weep, winds drift;

flotsam rides the current, the contents of grist.

Decision, the result of the action of others,

versatile, encompassing and a challenge to smother:

Acceptance of roles established and correct;

politically astute, morally immorally deject!

Expectations founded on weak relationships,

promises broken are left in unclasped grips.

Beware the hand which holds the pink slip,

Society’s answer to those who do not quit!


How plain is the answer before your face,

manipulation of your labour not at your pace.

Commodities of time and talent driven at a price

where a lower common denominator is to suffice.

The value attributed, the price is prostitute:

The common wage is commonest to those of ill-repute.

grace is a quality to be found lacking

in all of those who will not grow and condone no slacking.

There is no reprieve and there is no redemption;

those who can ill afford to be ill are granted no exemption.

If you possess great possession you will not be concerned by other expression,

those who have exceptional talent will retain their own exception.

Common is left to those who can think no other thought

than to seek sustenance and shelter at a price that these can be bought!


Will George  © 1995


Will George Poet