Thank you Lord for the beauty of the night,

You gave us the stars to remind us of your light;

The heavens are adorned with a multitude,

Their shimmering closeness rainbow hued.

We are reminded, how small this Earth;

When a glittering host from Perseid drops forth;

A magnificent array of messengers speed,

Across the skies before dusk's sleep.

A boundary of northern lights enhanced,

As footsteps lightly periodically danced;

Breathtaking as crystal in brilliance stood,

Reflective of depth of purity's mood.

The global position uncontrolled flowed,

To bear the response already enroled.

There is beyond our peripheral plane,

A vastness, a greatness we struggle to name;

This beauty is yours Lord, we joyously watch,

Enlightening our spirit, a mystical search.


1993 © Will George.


Will George Poet