No one can serve two masters!
You may ask, “Where is Judas?”
Here was a man who could see;
He knew what the potential could be,
Principally for Israel, and for his own self-profitability.
The darkness was the path followed,
It was not a question of doing wrong for right,
But doing what was contrary to the light.
Did our Lord Christ know of this man?
The devil did not finish his temptation,
Upon the temple or city wall!
He was constant in his attempt,
To break the spirit of the Saviour by contempt;
Evil and the evil doer are forever present;
They lurk beneath the mask of piety;
Be wary that you follow only the truth.
There were many kinds of disciples!
There were those who followed John,
There were many pious and righteous,
Those who followed their own brand of faith.
Truth has been coloured to suit its purpose;
Eventually until there is no division from lie.
The balance being the position of right from wrong.
Christ came to bring Alpha and Omega.
Man and woman have equal opportunity,
To evolve into the ultimate being.
The earth is a garden which continues to grow,
There is much that is destroyed,
There is much that is replaced,
There is no one who can stop regression or progress.
But there is a time to enjoy brief existence,
There is time to evolve from being the child.
Christ came!
The same presentation given to all.
The interpretation differing by the need of each recipient,
The value of a greater or lesser benediction.
A true identity with a truthful relationship.
Each disciple was allowed the reconciliation,
Of their shortfall with the greater deed,
Wholeness the process of development.
Love is all encompassing!
It does not take away the pain,
It heals the open wound,
It stimulates the desire within,
It provides the nurture of the spiritual nature.
It is not the physical stimulation;
It goes beyond pure feeling,
It is a bridge which spans all being.
These individuals were chosen;
For themselves, each having a need of healing,
Each having an elementary understanding,
A willingness to search and explore,
The higher reaches of consciousness.
Some were simple in appreciation;
Others were complex requiring challenge.
They participated as they chose to give,
They reflected that eternal spark they found,
By trial and temptation they could participate,
In “The greatest story ever lived!”
Present in the glory they found, that is:
“I am!”
May 18th. 1996 © Will George.
Will George Poet