Is there a militancy in religion?
Does faith demand persistency of attack,
Of the promotion, or instigation of rules?
Many groups have demanded such tests,
Each offering that which is supposedly the best.
I have seen the effects on close minded bigots.
There is no margin, or latitude, for error,
No forebearance for compromise or relaxation.
My upbringing directed me as Zealot,
Yet the mindset was one sided.
How simple to throw down such lofty towers,
By an easy and simple expression!
‘Love one another, as I have loved you!’
Radical the thought may be,
But it is the basis of what Christ did say.
I am Simon.
I did not plan on being a martyr.
When I joined this band of brothers,
My thoughts were clear,
Select those who could help to lift the Roman yoke!
It was not easy, playing pacifist.
My sword and scabbard I had put away.
I merged with their band of brothers,
Biding my time, planning, waiting for opportunity.
Espousing a different philosophy.
Imagine my surprise when I agreed,
Understood even, the message being delivered.
I could not refute each statement.
My mind was awakened to the falseness,
Of the foolhardiness, of permanent death.
I am Simon.
Words can conquer where the sword fails.
We have all looked for the rising star;
We await those actions that move people,
It is easy to fall for false ideals.
I can say little beyond that which has already been said!
My words fail to express the experience that I have had.
My path followed a new Master,
The Lord, Christ, who took me away from disaster;
Who opened my heart and my eyes.
The nights have been long without His presence.
But, there has been a sense of peace,
Within the breast a calming personification.
A righteous understanding of the cost,
To win over the spirit, not the ego.
May 10th. 1996 © Will George.
Will George Poet