We are all brethren under Christ’s banner.

Called to be servants of His order;

Not as mindless or thoughtless fanatics,

But as working, caring, responsible people,

Willing to sacrifice ourselves to partake of His bounty.


‘I am James.’

Traveller, fisherman, a son and a brother,

Often discussed, frequently quoted,

Yet no greater, or lesser, than any other.

A man experienced as a trader,

Able to negotiate and to bring order.


The word given by our Lord’s call,

Touches each of us when we fall.

Healing is a part of His gift;

Forgiveness the benefit of His touch,

When we our souls remove from sinfulness.


My life was calm, unchallenged;

The sea, an opponent, quite worthy

Of respect, where you take responsibility.

The lives of your crew important,

Protected by a working harmony,

From brother to brother, to Zebedee.


A miracle is not easy to see!

Although I knew the wiles of Galilee,

The event that took place

On that earliest of days

Opened my eyes to an act of grace.


It was difficult not to discuss,

Or ask questions, each one of us.

We had listened to the Baptist,

Yet, now in this experience,

We questioned what message applied,

How we could change the focus of our lives.


My Lord Jesus, prepared for a sacrifice.

He was purified by the actions of His life.

He took sinners and gave them forgiveness;

He took the sick and cured their ills,

He brought new teaching of the love of God.


As Disciples we went out into communities,

To test the waters of the people’s receptivity.

To tell them of a new covenant,

Being brought by a messenger, greater than all,

By He who was truly the Son of God.


I no longer as a fisherman toiled;

My days were filled with a new joy.

My mind was opened, also my heart,

To the clear statements our Lord would impart.

He promised to make us fishers of men,

Yet our lives would not always be calm.


The days passed quickly as we listened,

To learn of the wisdom and the lesson,

That which fulfilled the Law,

But which gave compassion to replace aggression,

And also gave Love, to replace jealousy.



‘I am James.’

I found peace after the conquering of death!

There was little that frightened me;

Although I grieved initially,

I rejoiced when our Lord set us free,

In His presence, after the act of cruelty.


We are witness to the love,

Given to Christ from God above;

The redemption of mankind,

A reprieve of oppression,

From all who have taken His Word in vain.


The brothers and sisters who came,

Spoke freely of Jesus by name.

Acknowledged His heavenly supremacy,

By His earthen existence and intimacy.

For He reached out and gave of himself,

The greatest act of love, His sacrifice.


There were many brothers and sisters,

Who suffered at the hands of the enemy.

Their faith was put to the greatest test,

Where their lives were forfeit,

For their belief in Christ’s kingdom.



The disciples and apostles sent out,

After that transformation on the Mount,

Were confirmed in their belief,

Having seen God’s action to bring relief,

To the downtrodden souls, individual each,

And by Jesus’ lead to be there to teach.



‘I am James.’

I leave you with one message!

There is truly hope if you surely try,

To live by God’s Word.

To be reconciled with Jesus Christ,

Then in your life, you shall not die.


May 5th. 1996 © Will George.


Will George Poet
