Generation “X.”

Generation “X.”

Who would bandy about such a comment?

I want to vomit!

Who would want to be so notable

as to create and apply this label?

Don’t they have kids?


Compassion appears to be lacking!

It may be easier to distance reality

from the immediate question of responsibility.

The future is about the present

and how the youth of the day may attain it.

Displacement of identity does not

remove the crime of abandonment.


Many have tried to eliminate their problem

discarding their own lack of self in thoughtlessness.

Once again there is an escape

with no concern expressed.

Victims are just that!


Whole economies have been raped

by those who are called adventurous.

‘To the victor the spoils of war!’

Civilisation has not acknowledged ownership.

The plunderer retaining whatever he may.

Nations and nationhood are destroyed

by such barbarous acts.


‘Baby Boomers’ are lost in the economy of scale.

How do you make a baby boom?

To the west go and you shall know.

Sex was the progenitor of such expanse,

today the freedom there will only show

if Hector and Hermine’ were gay!


There may be something wrong

where ideals have no ground,

where individuals focus on their rights

to be free to wallow in sexual play.

Where the child molester and prostitute

are given equal pay!


Work as an ethic has been earned

by many struggles and great sacrifice.

Fair reward and equal opportunity,

these are justifiable demands.

For those who focus on so many rights

the principal tenet is easily evaded.


Beware the government who want

to bring you out of your closet,

for your bedroom has now been left open to view!

There are crimes of passion

but do not include the travesty

of paedophile, molester, harasser

and those who commit rape!


“Generation ‘What?’”

Human history has always had some unknown

belittled, unvalued and disowned.

To some this would be racist, anti-Semitic, bigoted,

and that would be correct.

How different is the lack of response?


Will George © 1997



Will George Poet