Grace is Your gift Lord,
A thanksgiving is offered in response.
We are sinners by thought, by inaction.
Are our deeds good? Who will tell us?
We do not come to Thee freely,
We struggle for our own selfishness.
How will we find truth?
It differs from our own.
You gave us Your Son;
His death for our life.
Your truth acknowledges our sin,
His life brings to us, Your Grace.
We are empty and without love;
We possess little on our own.
There is no satisfaction;
In worldly goods no gratification.
You fill us through Your Son;
Understanding offered through the Spirit.
How often must we listen to the message?
How often do we need forgiveness?
How shall we forgive others?
Will it be freely given?
As Your Love redeems our sin;
Can we be led to share Your Grace?
Will George © 1994
Will George Poet