Thy Light Shall Be My Guide



Is that Death knocking at my door?

Or some  harbinger bringing forewarning?

Death is no stranger;

At my door!

Who knocks?

A burden has been lifted;

Carried with love,

In freedom;

By God's hand.

Peace will remain

A gift;

Of the Spirit,

To comfort.



I close my eyes;

To rest.

I am aware of that which surrounds me;

A room;

My resting place;


Whom I once knew....

Why did I say that?

But now I do not know!

There is a familiarity in what I see,

Although this time no longer

Belongs to me.



Am I called to journey?

To a distant place;

To start anew?

I am not afraid!

I am not alone!

I feel the presence at my side.

My journey began awhile ago!

I know!

I heard the message;

I listened;

And now I see,

And Thy light shall be my Guide.


Apr. 27th. 1994 © Will George.


Will George Poet