The Prophet's Call


John, a Servant, to the Canaans!

Has my voice fallen on still ears?

I have come down from the mountain;

For you have turned away from God's house.

You have put on cloth flaps,

And the Word has been shut out.


Are you so righteous, you think only on yourselves?

Do you have all the answers?

Can you renew Creation?

If so, then cause this withered branch to flower!

Release the bubbling brook from this rock!

Build monuments of the highest from nature's store.


My eyes are cast over the sea;

A sea of ferment, rotten with greed!

The temples have become polluted,

Likewise the fields, the rivers, the valleys.

The skies are clouded with dust,

With the product of false progress.


Day has merged with night!

Darkness of mind, darkness of spirit;

Self promotion, self satisfaction,

Values of individual development,

Uncaring, unnatural, unknowing,

Drive and motivate impropriety.


Martyrs! There are none!

Prophets have been stilled!

Charlatans and knaves rob the weak,

Mislead the ignorant;

Evangelists are Pharisees,

Persecutors of the one Lord!


Educators have given themselves Science!

They have formulated half-truths;

Facts fit the model conceived,

In the mind of limited reason;

False alliances become false allegiances,

Knowledge the false deity!


Carnal relationships are earthbound!

Earth is clay and stone.

Imperfection is given equality.

Degradation is unleashed,

Rampant persecution results in apathy.

Truth is cast down before bitter towers.



Love is taken out of context!

Freedom of choice, of expression, is manipulated.

Rights are asserted, contrary to logic;

Debased license the price extolled,

Words exhorted to secure lifestyle,

Unmitigated and irresponsible!


Man has responsibility to Man!

Man is responsible to God!

Perversions will be crushed.

Blood spilt to satisfy lust will be avenged.

Nature is not a natural dictator.

Habitual flagrance will be held to account!


The day will not remain quiet!

The night will not be silent!

Stilled souls will rebel.

The blind will be awakened,

The voice of reason will advance;

Again the desolate will be refreshed!


Will George © 1995


Will George Poet