The Dream-makers.
Have you met the dream-makers?
They do exist you know!
They can be quiet and unpretentious,
able and willing to help you to grow.
Theirs is to have the insight
to take your most fervent wish,
to create reality from illusion,
to give you a part of their gift.
Things don’t just happen!
Coincidences are just a myth.
Somewhere someone has orchestrated
events, chance meetings, much more than this.
But let me put your mind at ease,
God’s influence is only for the good.
Life is served by many footpaths,
each one leading to some special place.
Destiny: or the force thereof carries
to the point of achievement, in success
or otherwise by the interpretation of others.
To those who believe in her, chance does not happen.
Events cannot be changed to their outcome.
Evasion serves no purpose, it is accomplished.
Who would hold to this philosophy?
Surely they have not discovered God!
Faith is witness to the renewal of the individual.
By choice we may take a different journey.
In Christ’s name we can find another way.
We may set a new face upon our travels.
To this course there is a promise of another end.
We are promised a deliverance and you might ask,
‘If we cannot change our fate to what purpose
would we have been given His redemption!’
Is it finished then?
By what opportunity are you called to this moment,
to this place where time meets with you?
You did not anticipate this, why not?
Either way you would expect another outcome.
Have you made your peace with God?
He may show up when and where you least expect Him.
That my friend is destiny!
What of the dream-makers?
What part will they play for you?
They cannot claim privilege,
they are not even angelic!
Insight and patience may allow them
to reconcile your search and action.
Only when you have come so far
will your journey be at its apex.
May 28th. 1997 © Will George
Will George Poet