

Do people who commit suicide know

what has screwed up their lives?

Is there a moment of clarity,

when they can write a note?


Could it be a personal failing that triggers them,

to turn to one solution;

In that final effort wipe out everything!

is the action one of despair or revenge?


Who will care now that they cannot?

There is no place to turn, how could there be?

No-one listened, saw, showed concern,

the decision was long taken.


Hate, love, compassion, only human failings;

empty of them all, there is little left.

What strength or weakness drives the thought?

Actions are premeditated, unconsciously.


The time, the place, are random chosen,

not necessarily private, alone, some are surrounded

by milling crowds oblivious,

unknowingly insulated, unaware.


Hell is no threat!

It is already here;

It is a void, a chasm cold unrelenting,

it has already drained life.


The final verse awaits,

one last closing comment,

those words needing no interpretation;

it is done !


Will George  May 5, 2001


Will George Poet