September 11th


We are by common cause bound,

That those who oppose are found,

That justice be done for lives lost

The fallen who unjustly bore the cost

A price paid for men who are less

Who strike women and children, the harmless.


They claim by God’s right to strike.

They err, by acts of greed we ascribe,

To those who profit on their ignorance,

The individuals act without conscience.

There can be no profit or admittance

To Paradise for they have darkness for light.


Bold will be the footsteps in reply.

Let them consider that an eye for an eye,

Will extol more than they might bear

In the cowardice of their cause, unfair

If they live, it will not be as hero found

Neither as martyr for actions unsound.


They cannot hide! Nor can they run!

The finger of God will point the way

For this is not a Holy Jihad, for they

In haste have wronged their own sons!

Allah be praised, but for good men not those so depressed,

Who within their hearts feed only their own bitterness.


Beware! Be wary now, for silence will not be found

Amongst those who once were afraid.

There can be no threat so loud

That the quiet voice of reason shall be drowned.

Lies will not upon their impression be laid

 Aside, the resonance will remove the shroud.


History is not repeated by these events.

There is no parallel or precedent.

No man has taken such action,

In militant and condemning insurrection

That has chosen to destroy the innocent

With a savage stroke so abhorrent.


Sept 17th, 2001 © Will George


Will George Poet