My witness!
Did you know
that we change and grow?
Did you know
how far you had to go?
Would you have gone as far
if there were only twelve of you?
What do I mean?
Where am I going?
what is it I’m called to do,
if only I knew?
Let me tell you,
Jesus called just a few!
And from them came the Word to you.
Peter spoke on behalf of his crew.
‘LORD, tell us what we must do.”
The reply came,
‘Go out and tell all of what you have seen.
The Son of God has been,
to bring a new covenant to everyone.’
He taught us of the great love
of His and our Father God above.
You are forgiven of your sin,
so repent and come and serve Him.
Listen to the words that we impart,
they tell of the love of His heart.
You have a choice to make
but do not let it pass, do not be late.
Receive the Christ Jesus into your life.
Be baptized and accept the gift
of the presence of the counsellor
who will awaken that beacon within,
and with His help, your soul He will uplift.
Jesus, the Son of Man, knew how hard the task
to live fruitful lives in difficult times.
But He promised that if you were to ask
for His aid, you would be given whatever you choose.
What about you?
I have asked the same question.
Many times I have been unsure
if God is with me in what I choose.
I have seen trial and tribulation,
in whom I am and in where I’ve been.
To that end I have often been lost
and my days have been idle in sin.
I have left my talents to sit to one side,
not sure of how I should decide,
to what will I commit and to whom,
to show and share what God can do.
Committees call upon many folk,
can be frustrating and a lot of work.
If you find that’s where you should be,
then I suggest you participate diligently.
Be discerning and aware
of the mind’s of others there.
They may not know that God is with them,
if it’s only that which you carry in.
I know that I have done my stint
and given a great deal of what I believe.
Standards can only be your own
if you have taken all of them home.
Put pettiness and malice to one side,
let the good things in you preside.
When you are done you may leave
to consider the next challenge to meet.
Our Christian faith is about other people
and we are asked to be open and to receive,
in open mind and with open heart those folk
who like ourselves were missing the point
that Christ brought to us God’s love
and that we can now share in the same.
Our community has many faces.
We see them everyday.
Some express much anguish
and many some form of pain.
If we are fortunate we may bring
a little ray of sunshine in.
A word that’s kind and caring
and with that pause a hope
that life is not so despairing.
Friends show their friendship best
with quiet strength and little fanfare.
They are there when you need
with kind words and much prayer.
Beyond this there is other support,
given freely without too much thought.
There are occasions that come and go
when tears well up from deep within.
When it is difficult to encompass all,
recognising that we have not been able to know.
God has kept us in His hand and leads us
to respond in quiet humility.
How do we complete our mission,
to focus daily on the teachings of Jesus?
To grow in unison and to grow in knowledge.
By our acts we are identified.
We are given the challenge and opportunity
to respond to family demands,
to be forbearing and to understand.
The harder part is to find forgiveness
where there is offence.
Tomorrow depends much on yesterday,
while today can be the best time to grow.
Of this I am aware,
for this is how far I had gone when I was shown.
God has a sense of humour!
It takes a big person or deity
to stand and watch his protégé
develop and awaken and hopefully advance.
We are prompted on occasion
by various means and method.
It may be something as simple
as an oratory or soliloquy
of someone plain in character,
or as gifted as Maggie Smith.
How the angels have fallen,
yet satire can the story tell.
So my question was the one
I first asked.
Did you know that we change and grow?
My words, a simple discourse
reflect of me a part,
that I should tell my story
as asked by Brother Art.
If I cannot use my prerogative
to reveal just who I am,
what I say will have no meaning
and will just quickly pass.
I am noted not for brevity,
but perhaps a little depth,
and with such thought in mind,
I add one last dispatch.
Jesus would have smiled,
He even would have laughed
to know that we were trying
with only half our smarts.
Whatever your talents
do not hide them now but go
and do what is right.
It will all work out somehow,
and when you fall on bended knee
and clasp together your hands;
Reverently ask for forgiveness,
but better still a little strength
to be that kind of person
we most certainly wish to be,
and if we forget one thing,
at least remember,
Christ is counting on me!’
I choose to bring you this word
in the manner best suited to me.
I was led to believe before this day’s event,
that I was able to share.
So on the day it was asked of me
to give a witness talk,
I had penned some ideas before hand
and let them do the work.
I was reminded that Jesus gave us Disciples,
and we are called just as well.
If we can practice a few of those things
we may one day do all that we can.
In some ways we may spread the good word,
in our everyday contacts be a little,
just a little aware of our Apostleship.
May 9th. 1997 © Will George
Will George Poet