Today, I remembered a friend;
Someone who has taken a long journey.
There is sadness in my memory;
A loss; Of presence which will be no more!
The letter brought the news;
In detail it told its own story.
His courage was to bear;
The burden of long days without relief.
There was no choice of action;
No element of escape from affliction.
The world offers things of beauty;
But for some it reflects only pain.
We can be distanced;
Sometimes even protected, insulated from care.
There is false hope; An alternative;
To turn our backs and close our minds.
My friend; We shared experiences;
Learned from each other; Understood difference.
There is something in culture;
A way of living with no way of compensation!
Our environments are not the same;
We share another expression; A bond of faith.
An earthly life is fixed;
Graded to the strength of our minds, our bodies.
We can be ravaged by pestilence;
Disease; We cannot control every eventuality.
His was without choice;
A modern risk; Unfound exposure; Not risque.
Compassion swells within for this loss:
A reminder of the weight of many gone before.
Alone and left behind day by day;
Loneliness! Rejection! There is little dignity given!
Is there some form of redemption?
Yes! A belief! An assurance in that beyond.
I give thanks for my friend;
For joys shared in our past.
Many memories to be recalled;
Occasions of closeness and celebration.
His tomorrow brings a new vision!
One of peace; Strength and harmony!
May 13th. © Will George.
Will George Poet