It is given to very few men or women
the gift of seeing the brightest star shine.
This is not the heavenly body, one of those
that occupy a memorable place in the Milky Way.
Brilliant specks of luminescence glimmer in the failing light,
the darkness through which humanity trundles.
There are those who are the greatest artists,
with gifts of voice, oratory, intelligence and creativity.
Each of the chosen few have one notable element,
they have a compassion and understanding of deepest humanity.
Self is last; profit is not the motive for effort,
it is not even out of praise or expectance of gratitude.
There is a realisation that others may benefit,
together with some hope that the world will improve.
The fire burns within, a desire intense, of exceptional flame,
tempered with the balance of cool and complementary lustre.
Ice, consisting of water, melts and changes its form
flowing within the influence of extensive heat,
recast without shape in invisibility or condensed cloud;
The wind blows causing the pursuit of a random path.
There are many realities; each one an individual perspective.
The balance of nature varies and constantly changes;
Experiences contribute to growth of that inner beauty
only if accepted for the benefits that may arise.
Those who fail to see the course of their journey
are bourne along unappreciative of their presence.
Turmoil tears with hurricane force, the random tornado
destructive to less fortunate and less powerful participants
cast into the tempest of irrational action and result,
sometimes struck by the awe of uncontrolled lightning.
To what end will the majority lurch to their own finality?
The sombreness of personality locks up the emotional,
the unstable take away and hide the pathways once open.
The exceptional are not recognized as exceptional;
the pursuit of a better place falls to be by-passed.
If we are to transcend those boundaries which chain humanity
to violence, we must apply ourselves to learn differently.
We hurry to fall back on the past, yet we fail to embrace the present
or reach out to grasp the future. We have that chance!
Our passion and comprehension can replace our folly!
Nov. 5th. 1996 © Will George
Will George Poet