I am poured out like oil upon the water;

My lips are parched and burnt;

My thirst is not quenched and I cannot drink,

Life giving streams pass me by.

Precious liquid assuages the barren;

I cannot partake of your sweetness.


Lord, where have I fallen down?

Into what pit have I been cast?

I am bound by chains heavier than steel,

An anchor binds substance;

There is a darkness that extends over my being;

It smothers the nature of my soul.


My prison wrenches agony in every movement;

I cannot cry out, or share, in thanksgiving;

Thoughts of praise are drowned,

Words of encouragement are deafened;

The muteness is a stranglehold ever tightening,

Through all barriers there can be no escape.


There may be silence, but it is too loud.

Throbbing thoughts echo external vibration;

There is an assault constant upon the senses,

No time is spared to be patient.

What release can extinguish the darkness?

The flames are hidden beneath spirit.


Praise be to Thee, Lord upon high.

You are the relief, the key to the shackles;

Our trust shall be in Your hand!

It is by Your strength we are renewed;

Give us the will to accept your love,

Let our steps be the action to respond to You!


Will George © 1994


Will George Poet
