Front Line.


You are as good as your front line!

What that front line is may vary;

it may be consequential of circumstance.

To a degree it will depend on people;

larger or smaller as opportunity dictates.

It may be orchestrated by your choice of action;

alas, it may be an inheritance,

only entrusted to your use and safekeeping.


There is a benchmark applicable!

To whom or what would be the purpose?

To gain, to grow, to develop goods, services or futures!

Individual components would be contributory.

Individuals are as intrinsic as the most common,

or the most rare of precious gems and metals.

To each equation there must equate a balance;

this provide for the worthiness of character.


There is a part of you within and there is a part of you without.

You cannot cover yourself with clothes, you show by your attitude one part.

How you portray those qualities of sound mind is questionable.

I am already the fool, the jester, content to give half wit

to all of those who are full of so much insincerity!

Can he who has been dispensing that which he has been immersed in

be even aware of how impossible it is to detract from the stench?

Some things are evident even though they are masked by silence!


Freud pursued one interpretation for the nature of his creatures.

He peeled away layers of the onion skin without opening the heart

or determining the reason for the pungency and aroma.

The substance of his presentation mirrored the depth of hypothesis.

To each voyageur the next frontier is only a resting place.

One answer only responds to one experience.

One question opens the way to many answers, not all correct.

By the motivation of self the final word becomes the beginning.


Now then let us step backwards and reflect on one’s own footsteps.

How will you see forward to that point of future

upon which you have cast such heavy die?

Will you be content and in contentment be stagnant?

The mark of courage requires much and makes its call on many.

To you the end should be as clear as that which is near.

Who will call and ask the question that is brought to mind?

It is inevitable that to settle a point it should be put!


Many are prepared to pursue their own form of pursuit.

Doubt feeds on its own substance and lacks form!

Gilded is the Lily to give it a semblance of gold.

True value is found only by finding the simple.

Truth is a priceless commodity worth more by its weight.

No false representation can provide a proof when it is unproved.

Paint fades and peels; the gloss cracks and shows its lack of sheen.

There can be no hesitation in peeling off the shabbiness of worn dressings.


To each his own! Out of necessity sometimes!

Count your days as simple steps to hasten your arrival;

Where? That question will be asked many times.

It will be asked of all who have set themselves to the front,

above those who do appear so particular, seemingly asleep.

Do not be lulled by your own voice but be wary,

for now you have been given fair warning of your choices.

Remember the line may not extend far enough for you to be affront!


July 17th., 1997 © Will George


Will George Poet