Will George Poet

First Impressions!



Does writing require knowledge of the psyche?

Insight! Looking at that which is out of sight!

If we think on people and their habits

or what they seem to do or seem to be,

do we find answers without therapy?


Should our character sketch draw,

in a picture frame, the elaborate without flaw?

Round or square the boundaries wrought

in outline clear as daylight ought

to be precise and elementary.


First impressions count predetermined!

Our own exposure and self worth determined.

How should we present others?

Surely privacy is a worthy object that we should not smother!

It is time to bring the riotous act back into a rational cover.


1984 has arrived twenty years late,

but the sentiments detained proliferate,

now encourage the world to turn upon an axis that now grates

and with foolish steps goose forward most irate.


Will George © Jan. 15, 04