Be wary of Death.
It is fine to be scared of death!
How will you prepare for the harbinger?
You should be afraid of being wanting,
unprepared, unfinished, unaccomplished.
What is it that we fear?
Is it the pain that racks us that is immense,
or is it the emptiness within lacking?
The motive not the event is most important.
Humanity! Concern for one another!
We are empty without it.
How can we claim to be fulfilled
when so many are starved, so many die?
Death comes not creeping,
but as the scythe of lost life.
Swift and assured in its action,
committed to its purpose.
Is there an average plan for the average man or woman?
When do dreams begin? When does the vision fail?
Here at the doorway of life's fullness
the step required to live is not taken.
Be wary of Death.
Music may still the night,
rain may fill your day,
the wind's kiss will be unfelt.
Admonish and prod the thoughtless!
Watch for the weary and the tired.
Keep in harmony with each footstep
and perhaps your walk will be faster and more valuable.
Will George
Dec. 8, 2003
Will George Poet