Sir! It is time for a new vision!

There is time for a new vision;

Action must now be taken!

Listen to the words uttered around you;

Notice the incoherent sentences, insensitive,

Unfeeling, irresponsible; all are empty;

There is a time for new vision.

It is NOW!


We, Humanity, cannot afford to fall back;

To relive our history, to repeat our mistake.

Justice requires the use of power,

A firm arm to hold the sword,

To balance the scales and to act.

No one party can assume the role,

Of power potentate; that is suicide;

The result disharmony and racial genocide.


"United Nations," must be more than symbolic;

Words spoken must be more than rhetoric.

Actions must be concise and specific;

The code of human dignity must be the ethic.

Criminal and immoral behaviour requires a policeman.

Incarceration for a country is no punishment!

Tyranny can be practised by individuals,

Also by Nations who would be principal.


Where one party has control there is preference.

The agenda is set and followed,

By the interest of the dictator;

There is an investment of time and capital.

The reality of action may not be most equitable.

The child will play in his own way,

Direction is not totally followed;

Likewise for the hard headed and belligerent.


There can be no "new social order'"

Where the old order has priority!

Those who say they are conscious

Of the welfare of the majority,

Plan for their own advancement and well being.

Economics continues to be the forefront,

To provide for the accumulation of wealth,

Of those who are self profiting.


Each tested upon the weakest commoner.

There is only one demand that is made,

To give up individual right and life.

You will note; rarely will the commander sacrifice,

That personage to proof the claim being determined;

Where the promise is freedom from shackles,

For the binding of words and more sinister device.


Now that the "Wall" has fallen to change,

An iron curtain has been drawn aside;

The divisions which remain are more pronounced;

There is a more real barrier, less humane.

Petty fiefdoms are formed lacking real forethought;

Borders are physical, drawn in battle lines,

Where bloodshed marks each temporary boundary,

Until fresh blood is let to extend and define!


There is need of one army, of citizens,

Whose loyalty is given to one Earth;

Birth, breed and religion surpassed by a greater responsibility.

Let there be an equitable legislation;

That will establish a universal and international law;

To bind every individual, singular and corporate,

The representation of which cast to five,

Selected by a measure of austerity.


Each individual will be noted for exception;

Particular and peculiar to a higher motivation.

Concise, judicial, non-partisan and fair,

Able to give clear cut direction to obtain result.

Listen to the words carefully, seek the inner strength;

Evaluate the office as it fits the officer,

Not the person for contents self;

For the role is a living responsibility!


If Humanity is to grow in stature and population,

Then there is no time left to waste, or lose.

Weakness is established by lack of commitment,

Murder is permitted by ineptitude.

Strike now for the infrastructure,

Negotiate earnestly for a judiciary;

Establish a unilateral code to encompass all,

Be militant and tactical in oratory.


A "New World Order" is not synonymous,

With an Order for Renewal of World Peoples!

Individual's have rights and responsibilities;

Educate them, in their birth tongue;

Develop them to understand others;

Fortify them to emulate and aspire to their best;

Nurture them to appreciate their culture;

Support them to grow and comprehend development.


Mankind has taken eons to evolve.

Tribalism is no longer culturally plausible.

Morality must set a higher standard;

Children must have an opportunity to improve,

To enjoy standards that account fairly,

For both woman and man, without dominance.

Ability can be rewarded equitably;

Segregation should not rank as an ignoble symbol.


Will George  © 1996




Will George Poet
