A Higher Plain
Mozart above and beyond!
Empty with longing unsatisfied.
'Love me forever,' his plea.
His music reflective of a soul gripped by melancholy.
Who sought the highest honour?
Firstly, the father who wished his own acclamation.
He who sought favour for his own position,
As the progenitor of genius.
All parents risk injury in pride;
The stifling of growth and of talent.
The cruelty of the restriction of love;
The isolation as the penalty!
Children and youth need encouragement.
Those who fail to receive often fail to give.
A cycle continues, the wheel turns;
Personalities are crushed and broken.
Siblings turn one against another;
They compete for preference,
They seek recognition that becomes favouritism.
In turn they break down natural bonds.
Mozart struggled to be acclaimed.
His time and place restricted by others.
Pettiness and envy were the primary causes,
The intention to put him in his place, that chosen by another.
All artists seek love;
Unconditional support intended to free the spirit.
Recognition is important;
The outcome the creation of greater art.
How exhilarating the music!
The heart, mind and soul is plucked,
carried to extremes, lowered and lifted,
towards a sensual climax.
Music is universal.
The classless individual can be appreciative.
Impressions can be made and responses given.
Creativity can emerge and be electrifying.
The Universe sways, sometimes swaggers, in moods,
Chronicled time set to more than one beat.
'Motion' is the free flow within its modulation.
Melody is the motion that percolates through.
We fail each other when we fail the artist.
Some will offer perversions; their own self expression.
Many offer much more worthy of exploration.
Growth may come with immersion in the presented concept.
There are parameters that are set!
This is rightly so.
Human sacrifice was once abolished.
There are many more actions that also require termination.
Will George © 2004
Will George Poet